Jordan Vigil

Multi media Artist



  • Multi media artsist | activist | curator

Mfa Thesis exhibition

In the modern chaos, I emerge a child of a forgotten language from the echoes of a time before the 15thcentury. My narrative intertwines with countless others, an infant thrust onto the sprawling stage of late capitalism. I am but a singular thread woven into the tapestry of generations, born from bloodlines etched with survival. Behind masks and fabricated walls, I am kin to the countless offspring of mothers and fathers who straddle the realms of presence and absence, their shadows looming large over the narrative of my existence.

I play with the nuances of language, rearranging familiar symbols of veins, stags, bitches, and racks upon an uncertain landscape constructed in the remains of the rubble left behind. Within the interplay of these symbols and their layered interpretations, I mirror and satirize my perception of the human condition, weaving together a narrative that is at once familiar and unsettling, poignant and absurd. 

Growing up in Denver, I learned the power of storytelling through public art, activism, and stories handed down from family. Drawing from Latin American printmaking traditions, I use print as a form of political resistance and a tool for reshaping reality. Printmaking, to me, is not merely a technique but a philosophy—a means of dismantling the familiar, of compressing and decompressing reality to forge a new matrix of perception. In my practice I prioritize sustainability as an apotropaic act, mindful to the lands I inhibit. 

A vessel for the untold stories of my lineage, I offer a space for solace and reciprocity. Join me in this dance of creation and reflection, where past, present, and future converge in a timeless embrace; heart to heart, eye to eye.